Custom Ochno Operated OAuth2 integrations (beta)
Requirements: User with an account on Ochno Operated
Create new integration
Login to Ochno Operated and navigate to Account(select an account)->Integrations->Custom Integrations->Create
Fill out the form - make sure the redirect uri is a valid endpoint on your system to handle the code query exchange (explained further down under “Code exchange authorisation”)
sub - allows the user userId to be fetched on behalf of the user authorised on the application
email - allows the user email to be fetched on behalf of the user authorised on the application
hubs:read - allows hub/switch data to be read on behalf of the user authorised on the application
accounts:read - allows the accountinfo to be read on behalf of the user&account authorised on the application
When saved you can see it in the list of integrations. Click it to view it and see your autogenerated client_id & client_secret
Code exchange authorisation
Step 1
redirect your end user to*clientid*&state=*state*&redirect_uri=*redirect*&scope=*scope*&response_type=code
state is your own reference to the session for the user, it will be returned in the redirect
scope is a single or array(uri encoded array (scope=scope1%20scope2) etc)
End user logs in and authorises the request to fetch data on behalf of him and selected organisation account
End user is redirected to the redirect uri with the query parameter code (redirect_uri?code=*authorisation_code*)
With the authorisation code call the endpoint(post)
code = the authorisation code
grant_type = ‘authorization_code’
codeVerifier = random base64 string for your own verification
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
In the response (if successfull) you will recieve the data object which contains
access_token (use this in header - Authorization : Bearer *access_token*)
refresh_token (use this to generate new access_tokens + refresh_tokens)
Step 2
You can now use the API endpoints to fetch data on behalf of the authorised user
Supply the access_token in each request - Authorization : Bearer *access_token*
Step 3
To generate new access_token & refresh_token
Endpoint (post)
grant_type = ‘refresh_token’
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
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